Don Cobra, Young Luka, and Blaq Bobby collaborated on a heartfelt tribute song in memory of their late brother, Jae Kofi, who was a beloved member of the Black Disciples. The song they created resonates with deep emotions and serves as a poignant ode to their friend and comrade. The lyrics are woven with reminiscences of shared moments, laughter, and the unbreakable bond they once shared with Jae Kofi. Through soulful melodies and powerful verses, they express their grief, love, and respect for the departed soul. As the music plays, listeners are taken on a journey of nostalgia, feeling the warmth of friendship and the pain of loss. The tribute song not only honors Jae Kofi’s memory but also celebrates the impact he had on their lives and the legacy he left behind. With each note and lyric, Don Cobra, Young Luka, and Blaq Bobby ensure that Jae Kofi’s spirit lives on, cherished and remembered by all who knew him.