Margret Chola, affectionately known as “Legendary Glamma,” is a Zambian grandmother in her mid-80s who has become an international fashion icon. Her rise to fame began when her granddaughter, Diana Kaumba, a New York-based stylist, visited Zambia in 2023. During this visit, Diana photographed Margret in various stylish outfits, blending contemporary fashion with traditional Zambian elements. These photographs were shared on Instagram under the handle @legendary_glamma, which has since garnered over 225,000 followers. Margret’s unique style and charisma have been featured in prominent publications, including BBC News and the New York Post. Her story has inspired many, demonstrating that age is no barrier to embracing new experiences and becoming a global sensation. In her own words, Margret expressed, “I feel different, new, and alive in these clothes, in a way I’ve never felt before—like I can conquer the world!”